Our firm’s municipal law attorneys are experienced at providing legal services to special districts, such as fire protection districts and water districts.
These special districts have many of the same legal needs and issues as cities, but also have unique needs because they are governed by different authorities and perform more specialized functions than other public agencies. We pride ourselves on providing expert and focused services to our special district clients.
Our firm’s current special district clients include the following local agencies for which the firm’s attorneys serve as general counsel:
- Cuyamaca Water District
- Lakeside Fire Protection District
- North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority
- Ramona Municipal Water District
- San Diego Convention Center Corporation
- San Diego Regional Training Center
The firm’s attorneys currently serve as special counsel for other public agencies such as North County Transit District, SANDAG, and Valley Center Fire Protection District. Past clients have included other water and fire protection districts.
We provide exceptional service to special district clients due to our experience and personalized approach.